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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Vials of testosterone for testosterone replacement therapy

Listen to the patient, evaluate their information, recommend the best options for them, provide high quality treatment...

Testosterone replacement can dramatically improve your everyday life with its positive impact on energy levels, mood, physical optimizations, sleep, and sexuality.  At M.E.S.H. Network, we know not everyone needs TRT or qualifies for treatment with testosterone.


Let's figure out if you are a reasonable candidate for treatment.

Go to the TRT FORMS page and you will find the ADAM scale.  It is the most widely utilized questionnaire to evaluate potential TRT candidate symptoms.  If you respond YES to question #1 or #7 or YES to more than 3 questions, you are more likely to have lowT.


We also include 2 other questionnaires if you want to utilize them and see how you score on those as well. 

Let's figure out if TRT is right for your situation.

This is an infogram that describes how testosterone replacement helps make men healthier and more effective at life.
Testosterone vials.jpg

TRT includes...

1.  Consultation to determine the likelihood a patient has low testosterone.​

2.  Screening laboratory evaluations to help determine that possible diagnosis.​

3.  Provision of all supplies needed:  medication, syringes/needles/alcohol wipes, etc. (and clear instructions on how to best administer the medications)​

4.  Quarterly lab evaluations for surveillance of effective levels and tracking of potential side effects (increased blood volumes and increased estrogen levels)

​5.  Quarterly (perhaps more often if needed) reviews of treatment with provider.

​6.  Regular access to your providers for questions (emails, texts, calls) or more information.

​7.  Creation of LabCorp accounts so you can track, view, and possibly share your own results.

8.  Any discussions your other physicians might want / need to have with our physicians.

9.  Any other aspect of care that enhances the outcomes for the unique individual patient. 

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Consultations and treatment in Kentucky and Indiana

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10200 Forest Green Blvd.
Suite 112, PMB 3496
Louisville, Kentucky 40223

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