About MESH Network

Our Medical Services
M.E.S.H. Network is a dedicated medical service providing testosterone replacement therapy, erectile dysfunction treatment expertise, and assisting patients with their medically managed weight loss regimen. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is committed to providing the best care to our patients. We are passionate about helping individuals achieve their optimal health and function. The simplicity of telemedicine makes our services more easily available to more people in need. Contact us today to schedule your low cost professional physician consultation. Optimize YOU!
The B A S I C S of our services

TRT = testosterone replacement therapy
ED = erectile dysfunction
Semaglutide weight management
Testosterone deficiency is not just a number, it is diagnosed utilizing a combination of symptoms and lab values. Click here to find excellent questionnaires to help determine if you might need TRT. It could change your life. Have a conversation about it with our testosterone expert today.
The phrase erectile dysfunction can be scary - it shouldn't be. ED is 'just' another medical problem, and modern medical approaches effectively treat the usual issues and allow you to regain your sexual intimacy. We ARE specialists. Click here to find out what you can do when given the right information and good options for actual treatment.
Obesity and weight loss are struggles for millions. Every person feeling defeated by the battle of the bulge(s) can achieve effective weight loss if they adhere to our 3-pronged approach. One of those prongs, semaglutide, makes the other steps you take significantly more effective. Click here to learn more about it.